When using guest posting to increase Web traffic to one’s own site, it is common to skip sites with relatively low PageRank (the score given to a site by Google’s patented search algorithm). However, the wisdom of this convention is questioned by search engine optimization (SEO) adviser Amanda DiSilvestro. She suggests ignoring the convention when the site is easy to navigate and filled with content that is original, relevant, and regularly updated.

Read the full article here:
Guest Posting on Sites with a Low PR: Is There an SEO Benefit? – Search Engine Journal

Olympics are the first truly multi platform global sporting event. Tablet and smart phone searches approached 50% of overall search query volume for the first two days of the Olympics, and Japan even exceeded that to 55%. At some times during the games searches are being done more on smart phones and tablets than on computers. The Olympics are establishing new levels of mobile usage for online searching, definitively showing the public’s adaptation to mobile browsing and searching.

Read the full article here:
Google: Nearly 50 Percent Of Olympics-Related Searches Coming From Mobile Devices

Craigslist’s daring decision to go thermonuclear on re-listers can only be viewed as a risky option. After all, you need a lot of guts to tell a top-ranking search engine such as Google to stop indexing its content. This means the site cannot tolerate other parties making use of its listings. Then, it makes very little meaning for Craigslist to continue to have the peace icon anymore.

Read the full article here:
Craigslist going thermonuclear on re-listers, reportedly blocking all search … – VentureBeat

As Google changes their algorithm, often anyone doing SEO has to change their approach to manage SERP climbing, as well. Here is a quick list of 10 old SEO techniques that don’t have the same ability they used to:

  1. Article Submissions
  2. Press Releases Without Anything Newsworthy
  3. Reciprocal Linking, Link Exchanges
  4. Creating Thin Content
  5. Losing a Voice to Automation
  6. Ignoring Social Signals
  7. Implementing Tactics Without a Strategy (applies to 1-6 above)
  8. Focus on Rankings
  9. Focusing on Google Only
  10. Ignoring Design

All of these are tempting tactics that used to be effective (in some cases, things you could get away with). Now these are things that can’t be counted on in the same way.

For more details on each point, check out the article linked below, by Greg Habermann.

Read the full article here:
10 Old SEO Methods You Need to Stop

Steve Wozniak from Apple recently talked to an audience and shared his concern with cloud computing. He refers to the lack of ownership of content and the relevant lack of control. If he’s right, then when we trust all of our content (personal or business) to the cloud, we may be up a creek without a paddle if something goes awry inside the cloud.

Read the full article here:
Apple Co-Founder Wozniak Believes Cloud Computing is a Brewing Storm

If your website is one of the top 1% of the total 141 million active webpages, the standard SEO guidelines apparently do not apply to you. While the top web sites can ignore the fundamental optimization rules, it is important for the remaining 99% of the websites to follow standard SEO rules with care. There are solid reasons for this – to find out if you are part of the 99% and what to do if you are not, check out the article linked below.

Read the full article here:
SEO Doesn’t Matter…To The 1% – Huffington Post

Building links is a task that can be made easier with a few tips. Adding social sharing tools to blog articles is a start. Having readers share these articles helps to spread the word. Creating a regular electronic newsletter will also increase the odds of having a link shared. It is important to note what kind of blog post is being used, and to use things like how-to posts, interviews, live blogs, and infographics.

Read the full article here:
101 Ways to Link Build in 2012

There are some key online issues to consider before changing a business name. First, recognize that it is going to cause issues with identity and branding – users, databases, etc. recognize your business by that name. If you do change, you need to update the change in business and internet directories, inform your contacts, involve your clients, and include keywords commonly used in internet searches to minimize the chance of being lost in the name change. Remember to keep the internet domain name – that is a good way to lose your rankings on internet search engines, and thus potential customers!

Read the full article here:
The SMB Guide To Changing Business Names & SEO

Has Goggle Penguin damaged your sites ratings? Do you need help in the confusion left behind? Find out more about Google Penguin, Naked URLs, Brand Anchors, Brand-keyword hybrid anchors, Universal/junk anchors, and how to raise your ratings. What was great pre-Penguin could now be catastrophic post-Penguin. Beat the rating you have by learning how Google Penguin works.

Read the full article here:
Post-Penguin SEO Link Building: The Naked (URL) Truth – Search Engine Journal

Hackers are at it again, this time targeting the Olympics and all the fans trying to stay in the know with what’s going on. Find out how hackers are turning life-changing events into viruses and malware through SEO tricks, and what you may be doing to increase your chances of falling victim to the nasty assaults.

Read the full article here:
Olympics hit by SEO poisoining, as black hat hackers change tactics – SC Magazine UK