Infographics may be amazing for nearly anyone who comes across them, but they aren’t the only thing you need to use to create brand or website awareness. Sure, the like buttons and visuals come in super handy, but have you forgotten anything else you can use to make infographic publishing that much better? Find out what you may be lacking!

Read the full article here:
Infographic Publishing: Did You Include an Embed Code?

Internet Retailer ran a recent survey that focused on the search engine marketing in Google and Bing. The survey found that people have had a negative reaction to the new searching and ranking policies introduced by Google and have reported a substantial ranking drop from revisions like Panda. Bing is poised to have increased business in its future with a higher number of advertisers looking to increase spending with Microsoft adCenter. Does this survey hold truth in its outlook of an increase in revenue for Microsoft from ad spend?

Read the full article here:
Internet Retailer Survey: Search marketing –

The Google+ local, which replaced Google Places, now offers store / establishment rating. It gives the searcher/user the ability to rate the place if it’s good or bad place to dine, shop etc. Zagat systems, the partner of Google for the said interface, will collate what the user has entered and it will post the rating of that establishment. On top of that, establishment owners can “customize” their store by uploading photos to get good reviews / ratings. The new Google+ pages are more attractive and the bonus? They’re crawlable. SEO benefits from these pages look very possible.

Read the full article here:
Helping Or Hurting: The Debate Over Google+ Local

Facebook is being accused for ad click fraud and holding an e-commerce store builder, Limited Pressings’ page name in hostage. Although Limited Pressing accuses that 80% of Facebooks’ ad clicks are done by bots, they couldn’t provide any evidence to support this accusation. In the mean time Facebook is justifying that it is not their fault; as advertising in their website is quite complicated and people tend to use them incorrectly which appears as click fraud. Now they are putting up verifiable information to support this justification for Wall Street analysts and armchair tech watchers to verify.

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Facebook Responds to Accusations of Click Fraud, Holding Page Name Hostage – Search Engine Watch

In midst of your business and other responsibilities, it is always better to hire a SEO consultancy for search engine optimization to overcome your competitors lead in search engine results. The five things to be considered while choosing a SEO consultant agency are: 1) The agency should have experience in navigating through search engine updates effectively. 2) Watch out for agencies promising improbably good results because they might not be legitimate. 3) Check out the presence and publicity of the consultancy in search industry. 4) Go for consultancy with good customer review. 5) Cost charged for the provided services.

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5 Things You Need to Know When Hiring an SEO Consultant – Entrepreneur

Google is the key to business success in the Internet age. How is Google mobile and consumer willingness to share new data changing SEO and internet marketing? Consumers are now more willing than ever to share personal information and location data which will mark a shift in search engine optimization. Learn how to use Google’s powerful set of tools to increase your search engine ranking.

Read the full article here:
Search Engine Marketing And SEO Via Google Now – Plus Ten Web-Based Tools – Forbes

Learn how X5 music group utilized a number of SEO tricks on their way to success. X5 music group is second only to Universal Music group in Classical music sales through iTunes. They’ve succeeded in the harsh digital music world by optimizing their search results and tailoring their marketing strategy to specific niche groups.

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X5 Music Group Relies on SEO Tricks, But Inching Closer to Legitimacy – International Business Times

Google has given another update on their link warnings, and it hasn’t really cleared up much at all. Apparently if you have negative links but didn’t know about them, you can ignore them. And if you have negative links and did them on purpose, you’ll get the warning, but you can ignore it. But if you get a new warning message, you shouldn’t worry, but you shouldn’t ignore it. It won’t affect the whole site but it will affect their opinion of some links to the site, so you’ll get a hit for some keyword phrases. So it’s clear as mud.

Read the full article here:
Google Explains New Link Warnings, Says Don’t Panic But Don’t Ignore

How do SEO professionals address the issue of SEO “baggage”? A site which has been marked for penalty by search engines may require a major overhaul to establish itself as a top tier site. SEO professionals must address SEO techniques used within the site itself. An audit of content and back links is necessary to ensure the overall success of a site. It may seem daunting, but there are some definite steps that can be taken to accomplish this.

Read the full article here:
SEO Baggage: From Account Managers To SEO Account Janitors – Search Engine Land

Google is trying to make it easier on the way advertisers do remarketing on Adwords. They have created a remarketing list that you can apply to URLs of your page instead of needing to create tags one by one. Both choices are now different options to select from. Another change is for marketers who have Google Analytics account linked. There will be a beta release to allow these remarketing lists to be created within GA.

Read the full article here:
AdWords Remarketing Gets Tag Makeover, New Features