The TMO Blog

Google’s Latest Generative AI Tools Help Shoppers Find Exactly What They’re Searching For

As the holiday shopping season is at its peak, Google has given retailers new generative AI tools to help advertise their products online. 
Google Search Rankings

Google Updates Bring More Personalized Results and More First-Hand Knowledge

Google is making some big changes to how it ranks results that aim to deliver more personalized search results and increase the prevalence of “first-hand knowledge”. The search engine announced the changes earlier this month while spotlighting…
Google Shopping

Shoppers Can Find Small Businesses Easier On Google With This New Shopping Filter

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Google is making it easier for shoppers to find small businesses and their products with a new filter for shopping search results. 

Google Spokesperson Says To “Buckle Up” For Major Changes Coming To Search Results

Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, raised some eyebrows over the weekend by saying that “major changes” are coming to Google’s search results. 
An image of a computer, a DSLR camera on a tripod, and an open notebook

Google Puts Blogs In Top Search Results More Than Any Other Type Of Content

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Think using blogs to get to the top of the search engines is a thing of the past? Don’t be so quick to ditch your brand’s blog.
A young black man sitting in the windowsill of a white room, looking at his phone aimlessly

Fear of Missing Out Is Keeping Most Students On Social Media Despite Lack of Enjoyment

Does anyone actually enjoy using social media?  According to a new survey conducted collaboratively by the University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, Bocconi University, and the University of Cologne, the majority of users (particularly among…

LinkedIn Is Making Collaborative Articles More Visible And Engaging

LinkedIn is making Collaborative Articles more visible across its platform, including within search, feeds, and notifications.  In an announcement today, the company said it plans to show more Collaborative Articles when users are looking…
A banner image for the an article about Demand Gen Campaigns

Google’s New Demand Gen Campaigns Use AI To Reach Shifting Audiences

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Google is launching an exciting new ad format called Demand Gen Campaigns which uses the latest AI tools to create highly targeted video and image ads for YouTube, as well as Google’s other platforms. 
Microsoft Ads Logo on Red-Orange gradient background

Microsoft Advertising Releases a Free Holiday Guide For Brands

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The holidays are approaching and Microsoft Advertising wants to help your brand prepare before the shopping season arrives.