The TMO Blog

2013: The Biggest Year For Web Typography So Far

Typography lagged behind a lot of innovation online for years because of constrictions on font use. Text on the internet relied on a few fonts that would be on almost every visitor's computer, and even then you were doubly limited by text…

Beginning Construction on a Link Profile

Link building is still considered a staple to SEO, despite what any bloggers may say. Yes, Google has clamped down on those using questionable quality links or outright spam to try to boost their rankings, but if you have been building a quality…

Bigger is Better For Facebook Ad Images

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When it comes to online marketing, images are very in. Facebook has taken notice and plans to up their advertising haul by expanding image size within their sidebar ads and tweaking the format. Jennifer Van Grove, of CNet, writes that Facebook…

Tools For Optimizing Your Images For The Web

High quality images are one of the best ways to make a website look great, but they pose a problem. No matter how nice a website looks, if it takes too long to load, your audience won't stick around to see it. Images are one of the biggest slow…

When Is It Time To Do Some Backlink Cleaning?

Building a backlink profile is considered a staple of SEO techniques, but eventually you may have to do some cleaning up, especially now that Google has introduced multiple algorithms to clamp down on the use of low-quality links. If you've…

AdWords for Video Gets An Analytics Make-Over

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AdWords for Video launched last August, but it took until earlier this month to tack on the much needed analytical tools that have become standard for regular, old AdWords for text. As Katie Ingram reports for CMS Wire, AdWords for video has…

Matt Cutts Explains Why Google Still Supports The PageRank Feature

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Last week, Matt Cutts responded to a question he receives fairly regularly concerning the PageRank feature in the Google toolbar. Specifically, why haven't they removed it? It is apparent that many believe that the PageRank feature is "widely…

The Cloud Makes Web Design and Collaboration Easier

The cloud has changed how many use the internet drastically, especially designers. In the past, we were forced into filling hard drive after hard drive with revisions, inspiration, textures, and every other sort of file needed for work. Then,…

Why SEO Talks A Lot About Content Without Saying Anything

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After the big shift to content focused SEO this year, a lot of the talk has been about the technical ways experts can use to try to get higher rankings behind the scenes. Everyone talks about how important is, but many are still more distracted…