The TMO Blog

10 Key Internet Marketing Techniques For New Businesses

In an article on the Search Engine Journal site, Sujan Patel lists ten online marketing methods for new firms. Despite the article's headline and lead paragraph, not all of the listed methods focus strictly on search engine optimization (SEO).…

Ad Targeting Algorithms Can Make A Difference of Billions

"Ad Targeting is Hard" is an informative article that describes what is working well and not so well when trying to reach an user. One targeting method that is profitable is Google AdWords. Another, used by Microsoft has been a losing proposition.…

5 Bad SEO Shortcuts

Since the introduction of Ecommerce sites, their marketing, production and selling have matured significantly. Search Engines are programmed in such a way that to reward relevance, popularity, and quality. Ecommerce sites often mistake the…

All Your SEO Content – Not Good If People Don’t See It

If you are trying to get traffic to your site killer content is one of the best ways to do it. One of the biggest tips to help your site to better is to make sure it gets published. You can’t get traffic if it isn’t even there. Also discussed…

Google AdWords Lawsuit Checks – Are They Legit?

Many people have been receiving checks as the result of an alleged class action lawsuit filed against Google for allegedly overcharging advertisers. The class action lawsuit appears to be legitimate, but the amounts of the checks, some as little…

How Are National SEO and International SEO Different?

International SEO is quite different from national SEO. If you are doing national search all you have to do is look into local domains or sub-domains or folders which are termed as geo-targeting. On the other hand you if you are to do international…

Where Does Negative SEO Come From?

'Negative SEO' means anything malicious someone does to harm your site's rankings. If someone really attacks your link profile and if it going to be effective you'll see unexplained. The Impact of an attack is often temporary. People many times…

Google+ for Your Business [Infographic]

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With millions of searches happening daily, it's no secret that Google can impact your business in a positive way. Google plus is a fairly recent social media platform that focuses on interaction and sharing. Thanks to Unbounce, they have created…

Your basic Facebook Business Timeline Guide [Infographic]

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Hubspot puts together a great Facebook business page instruction list. This is a basic "How To" guide for anybody looking to quickly understand and learn Facebook Timeline for businesses. It sums up each key feature nicely all while adding directions…