The TMO Blog

Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Rep

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Maintaining an entertaining and engaging social media presence can be great for your business. Unfortunately, there are a lot of potential missteps that can also severely hurt your business. Lewis Howes has a full list of what to avoid on social…

Targeting Your Audience Effectively Through Web Design

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Anytime you have an industry where creativity meets business, you face the conundrum of who to target with your work. Do you want to make something exciting and fun that other people interested in design will like, or do you want to make something…

Compare Your Conversion Rates to the Average

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Google reps have said that a good click-through-rate for AdWords is between two and five percent. There's been no official suggestion for an acceptable conversion rate, however. Business2Community recently set out to remedy that oversight by…

Don’t Be Afraid of the EMD Update

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Another week, another Google update. This time around it is an EMD, or "Exact Match Domain" update. So how does it effect you? What did the update do? What does it all mean? Mainly, this update means bad news for spam. Many in the SEO community…

Why Aren’t We Talking About Responsive Typography?

You've heard me preaching the benefits of responsive web design, but you probably haven't seen much about responsive typography. This is interesting because for most websites, the text is by far the most important content on the page. Well,…

Real World Example of AdWords’ Importance

Meet Paul Downes. He owns his own woodworking shop, which specialized in cabinets and conference tables. He contributes regularly to the New York Times small business blog and recently shared a crisis that surely will or has affected many small…

What Is So Important About Tags?

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Most bloggers know how important tagging is. Tags allow you to retain a similar structure across almost all blogging platforms, unlike categories. What may be surprising however, is the amount of freedom tags give bloggers also leads to them…

App Center Could Soon Allow Ads

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Facebook recently made it possible for users to search specifically in its App Center. You can search by an app's title or by generic keyword. Josh Constine of TechCrunch suggests that this could open the door for ads within the App Center. Though…

The 5 Most Common Mistakes on Landing Pages

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You can do a lot of different things with landing pages, be it selling something, encouraging visitors to subscribe to a newsletter, or trying to get people to sign a petition. No matter which of these goals you have, you are ultimately trying…