This looks at some key points for the management of multinational SEO. 1. Monitor your overhead costs! Use micro reports to keep an eye on costs as they occur. 2. What’s driving your traffic? Monitor brand vs. non-brand visits. 3. What phrases do you have the potential to get into the top 3 results for? This is where you need to focus your effort.

Read the full article here:
Tips For Cutting Down Overhead When Managing Multinational SEO – Search Engine Land

Google released its 2011 economic numbers stating that it had an impact to the tune of 80 billion dollars. This move brought about a few questions regarding why they felt the need to release the numbers, as most know that Google is a successful company. The numbers reported are a bit had to figure since it is reporting on figures from 3rd party companies working within Google.

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Google: We drove $80B in US economic activity last year – CNET

Search engine optimization, or SEO, seems to be becoming less popular with small businesses. The belief comes from the fact that for all the effort it takes to manage your ranking on a search engine, the results are hard to see; you don’t know if all that work produced a new customer. SEO providers seem to have left out the fact that it also matters what your website is and what it is selling is also required to attract customers, not just high search rankings.

Read the full article here:
Why These SMBs Say No To SEO – InformationWeek

Google Commerce is creating a program in which you won’t have to type the entire phrase when you’re searching for something. They are partnering with advertising firms as to make searches of their products. This will be revolutionary as it will help people search for things they may not know how to spell. Advertisers are lining up for the service.

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Google Adds ‘Search As You Type’ to Commerce Sites – PC Magazine

Marissa Mayer has been hired away from Google to become the new CEO of Yahoo. Now, Ms. Mayer becomes another one of the few female CEOs in the tech industry. Yahoo’s previous CEO, Scott Thompson, had resigned amid questions over him misrepresenting his credentials to work in the industry. Along with the new CEO, Yahoo’s board of directors is being reshuffled as well.

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Google’s Marissa Mayer Tapped as Yahoo’s Chief –

Do you know anything about switchboard tags? If you are like most of the population you probably answered no to this question. These tags can be used to redirect and identify sites using Bing and Google but are also implemented when you are using a mobile version of the site via your cellular device.

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Switchboard Tags: Like Canonical Tags, But For Mobile SEO – Search Engine Land

Search engine optimization can be a difficult task. Mark Jackson writes this article using content from the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, showing that many of the facets from that book hold true to the work he does in SEO. From learning to be proactive and work on those things that are within your scope of control, “Sharpening the saw” and constantly looking for how to do things better, Mark gives some valuable tools for optimization of SEO services.

Read the full article here:
7 Habits of Highly Effective SEO – Search Engine Watch

Google Maps and Google Earth are familiar tools for lots of people trying to navigate or see pictures of other locations, and now the company is further expanding their map toolbox. Recently, select stores are available as maps, complete with shelf markers and section labels. Below is an example of a Best Buy mapped by Google. Users on in the link underneath the image speculate how such technology could play out in the future.

Best Buy interior in Google Maps

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Google never ceases to amaze me. Now we have aisle … – Reddit

A writer humorously contemplates the copious number of spam comments he receives each day. He wonders at the poor quality of these comments and the multiple tactics used to transfer the spam past the spam-filter and the human operator. To illustrate his point that many of these are filled with strangely phrased ideas and erroneous grammar, the writer includes an excerpt of a comment he had received, which discusses what one spammer thinks will appeal “to the vanity and goodwill of people who run legitimate WP sites.”

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Large collection of default spam-comments from a slimy SEO tool – Boing Boing

If you want your AdWords campaign to succeed, you need to know the sure ways that it won’t. Learn the 6 ways that will make your AdWords campaign fall flatter than a pancake, so you know the exact mistakes you should be avoiding. This way, you are sure to do the right thing when you move forward.

Read the full article here:
6 Ways to Ensure Your AdWords Campaign Fails – Search Engine Journal