How To Get Started Building A Following On Pinterest [Infographic]

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Pinterest doesn’t get the attention of some of the larger social sites such as Facebook or Twitter, but ignoring it when you’re considering which social networks to market on may be a huge mistake, especially if you are an e-commerce business.

Pinterest remains one of the highest converting social sites, and it absolutely dominates in conversions for specifically e-commerce related products.

As with all social sites, however, your marketing will fall on deaf ears if you approach it from the wrong angle. Just as tone-deaf advertisers get ignored on Facebook, it is essential you get started on the right foot with relevant marketing catered towards the audience that uses Pinterest.

This infographic, created by Neil Patel, will help you learn the ropes of Pinterest and how to get started building your following on the site. Your business may be missing out on a great opportunity, but with this infographic, you can easily start taking advantage of a market your competitors are missing out on.


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