Google To Replace a Core Web Vital Ranking Signal In March


Google is making a big change to its Core Web Vitals ranking signals soon, as the company announced that the new Interaction to Next Paint (INP) signal will replace the First Input Delay (FID) on March 12.

The new INP metric measures the amount of time between when a user interacts with a web page (for example, by clicking a button) to when a browser begins rendering pixels on the screen.

Though FID measured a similar time between user input and browser rendering, Google says INP captures interactivity in ways that were not possible previously.

The History Behind FID and INP Metrics

FID has been a metric used by Google to rank sites since the debut of Google’s Core Web Vitals in 2018. However, Google quickly began to see that this metric didn’t fully capture user interactions as they had hoped. 

This led to Google introducing INP as an experimental or “pending” metric in 2022. Now, almost 2 years later, Google has decided to fully replace FID with the INP metric in March.

What You Should Do

Before March, it is recommended that website managers ensure their site is meeting the threshold for a “good” INP performance. 

If you do not meet this mark, Google suggests optimizing your site with these strategies:

  • Evaluate your site’s performance using tools such as PageSpeed Insights or the Google Chrome User Experience Report.
  • Identify issues that may be slowing down INP, like extended JavaScript tasks, excessive main thread activity, or a large DOM. 
  • Optimize issues based on Google’s optimization guides for the specific issue.

As Google’s ranking algorithms evolve, this and other ranking signals will likely be updated or replaced. This emphasizes how important it is to use the latest optimization standards and to ensure a smooth user experience if you want your business to be easily found online.

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