The TMO Blog

Highest Traffic Keywords Do Not Always Bring Profit

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Being ranked at the top for a high traffic keyword is not always the most profitable goal. There are more important issues to remember.

Personalized Google Results for Searches

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Does Google keep track of you and personalize search results? Yes. But there are ways around it.

Search Engine Optimization is a Changing Animal

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Just because you learned search engine optimization once doesn't mean you'll continue to know it well. The internet is always changing.

Google “link:” Command is Overrated

Google's "link:" command doesn't work all that well. See why, and a few decent alternatives to this command.

More on the Latest AdWords Update

The latest Google AdWords update has added several new elements to ads, including product listings and videos.

How To Determine Quality of SEO Services

Not everyone who claims SEO knowledge knows it. Here's one way to figure out how to distinguish the cream of the crop.

Using WordPress to Save Time on Web Design

Wordpress can make several things easier for web design, although there are a few issues to contend with.

Using PPC to Help With SEO and Link Building

You can use PPC to help your SEO by bringing traffic that will help your link building approach.

Great Example of Why SEO is Needed

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Think you don't need SEO? Here's a perfect example of someone who does. And why SEO is needed.