The TMO Blog

Google Drops Windows From Their Offices

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That's right, Google has taken a step to not allow any employees to use Microsoft Windows on their office computers.

How To Evaluate SEO Efforts

Knowing SEO is good, but how do you show what your results are doing? There are several ways.

Is Google Imitating Bing?

Google is making some new SERP changes. In some people's minds, this is imitating another existing search engine.

Proper SEO is Not Basic

Doing good SEO is not a one-time site tweak. It requires continuous work and proper research. Knowing how can make a huge difference.

Danny Sullivan is Funny

He runs his blog Daggle, and occasionally has amusing bits to share. I found one to share.

SEO Tips Can Be Lies

Not all SEO tips are functional, usable methods. Some expire, some just have never worked. It's good to know the difference between what works and what doesn't.

Apple iAd May Compete With Google For Ad Revenue Levels

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The iPhone OS 4 has several updates, one of which is iAd. This advertising option has details that may make it work well.

Web Site Speed is New SEO Element

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Search engines are now looking at efficiency of web site loading. Find out why and how to fix it.